Wednesday, 31 March 2010

How To Find The Best Sports Fitness Products

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Sports might be about getting fit, but that doesn't mean it's not without its gadgets. Whether you're running, cycling, snowboarding or swimming, gadgets can help you get the most out of training.

Here are a couple of great gadgets that will maximize your training, helping you on the road to victory.

Nike+ SportBand

The Nike+ SportBand allows runners to get real-time performance feedback during a run giving them information on their distance, pace, time and calories burned, in addition to gaining access to all of the features and tools on nike plus. The Nike+ SportBand watch face is a detachable link that captures all the run data from a sensor located in the runner's Nike+ ready footwear and once a run is completed, the link plugs into a computer like a USB drive, so data can be tracked. The system also offers Nike+ Coach so beginners and intermediate runners can access existing programmes to train for a 5k, 10k, half-marathon or full marathon.

Orange e-diet

Launching later in the year, the Orange e-diet is a text service in the UK that will allow you to monitor calories in the food you eat on the go. Users wanting to monitor what they eat will be able to text orange and get the calorie count back giving them the information of whether its good or bad for them before they buy.

Samsung miCoach fitness mobile phone

We've had camera-focused phones, we've had music-focused phones, and now Samsung is to launch a fitness-focused phone. Called the miCoach (F110), the quad-band slider handset will offer a dedicated fitness button that once connected to a heart rate monitor and a step counter will give you information about your heart beat, distance covered and time running when out on a run.

But rather than just record your information to download to a computer later, the phone, through the headphones, will give you running information on the fly by simply tapping the screen. Measuring your heartbeat, the phone will also tell you if you are running too fast or too slow, based on the fitness programme you have selected. The miCoach will offer over 220 training programmes via a fitness website ranging from plans focused towards you loosing weight or running a marathon and measure your running speed within four zones to best suit your training based on an initial assessment run.

Wii Fit

The computer game from Nintendo means you can play computer games and get fit at the same time. The Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board. It senses weight and shift in balance in any direction and therefore by standing on the Wii Balance Board during activities allows players to follow along to movements ensuring they have full control of the on-screen activities.

There are four training categories including Aerobic Exercises, Muscle Workouts, Yoga and Balance Games that Nintendo claim will help you (and your friends/family) to develop bodily balance control ability, burn fat in the body, help tone and condition muscles, as well as help increase aerobic stamina. Within those categories there are over 40 different activities such as Hula Hoop, Ski Jump, Press-up Challenge, Rhythm Boxing, Rowing Squat, Lunge and classic Yoga poses such as Half Moon, Tree and Crocodile Twist.

H20 Audio headphones

The H20 Audio headphones aren't any old headphones, but waterproof headphones that let you listen to your iPod to a depth of up to 10ft, or 3m, thanks to waterproof housing and waterproof speakers. Robust enough for active watersports thanks to a behind-the-neck design, silicone earplugs, and a durable neckwrap to keep them in place they cost around 26.99 pounds and means you'll be singing underwater as you do length after length.

By: Shaun Parker

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

8 Key Training Principles For Fitness And Sports Training

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The 8 Training Principles are research-based guidelines that can help you accelerate your training progress and optimize your results. Knowing how to apply these principles gives you an educated basis on which you can make informed decisions about designing your fitness or sports training program. The principles can also help you evaluate the merits of fitness equipment and personal training services.

All of the principles complement each other. For best results, they should be applied in concert throughout every phase of training.

1. Principle of Specificity suggests that your body will make adjustments according to the type of training you perform and in the very same muscles that you exercise. How you train determines what you get.

This principle guides you in designing your fitness training program. If your goal is to improve your overall level of fitness, you would devise a well-rounded program that builds both endurance and overall body strength. If you want to build the size of your biceps, you would increase weight loads on bicep curls and related exercises.

2. The Principle of Overload implies that you must continually increase training loads as your body adapts over time. Because your body builds and adjusts to your existing training regimen, you must gradually and systematically increase your work load for continued improvement.

A generally accepted guideline for weight training is to increase resistance not more than 10% per week. You can also use percentages of your maximum or estimated maximum level of performance and work out within a target training zone of about 60-85% of maximum. As your maximum performance improves, your training loads will increase, as well.

3. The Principle of Recovery assets that you must get adequate rest between workouts in order to recuperate. How much rest you need depends upon your training program, level of fitness, diet, and other factors.

Generally, if you perform a total body weight workout three days per week, rest at least 48 hours between sessions. You can perform cardio more frequently and on successive days of the week.

Over time, too little recovery can result in signs of over training. Excessively long periods of recovery time can result in a detraining effect.

4. The Principle of Reversibility refers to the loss of fitness that results after you stop training. In time, you will revert back to your pre-training condition. The biological principle of use and disuse underlies this principle. Simply stated, If you don't use it, you lose it.

While adequate recovery time is essential, taking long breaks results in detraining effects that may be noticeable within a few weeks. Significant levels of fitness are lost over longer periods. Only about 10% of strength is lost 8 weeks after training stops, but 30-40% of endurance is lost in the same time period.

The Principle of Reversibility does not apply to skills. The effects of stopping practice of motor skills, such as weight training exercises and sport skills, are very different. Coordination appears to store in long-term motor memory and remains nearly perfect for decades. A skill once learned is never forgotten.

5. The Principle of Variation implies that you should consistently change aspects of your workouts. Training variations should always occur within ranges that are aligned with your training directions and goals. Varying exercises, sets, reps, intensity, volume, and duration, for example, prevents boredom and promotes more consistent improvement over time. A well-planned training program set up in phases offers built-in variety to workouts, and also prevents over training.

6. The Principle of Transfer suggests that workout activities can improve the performance of other skills with common elements, such as sport skills, work tasks, or other exercises. For example, performing explosive squats can improve the vertical jump due to their common movement qualities. But dead lifting would not transfer well to marathon swimming due to their very dissimilar movement qualities.

7. The Principle of Individualization suggests that fitness training programs should be adjusted for personal differences, such as abilities, skills, gender, experience, motivation, past injuries, and physical condition. While general principles and best practices are good guides, each person's unique qualities must be part of the exercise equation. There is no one size fits all training program.

8. The Principle of Balance is a broad concept that operates at different levels of healthy living. It suggests that you must maintain the right mix of exercise, diet, and healthy behaviors. Falling out of balance may cause a variety of conditions (e.g., anemia, obesity) that affect health and fitness. In short, it suggests all things in moderation.

If you go to extremes to lose weight or build fitness too quickly, your body will soon respond. You could experience symptoms of over training until you achieve a healthy training balance that works for you.

For fitness training, balance also applies to muscles. If opposing muscles (e.g., hamstrings and quadriceps in the upper legs) are not strengthened in the right proportions, injuries can result. Muscle imbalances also contribute to tendonitis and postural deviations.

By: Denise K. Wood, Ed.D.

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Discover The Latest In Sports Fitness Technology

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Thankfully the Beijing Olympics has not been dominated by either doping scandals or controversy about sporting equipment that allegedly provides unfair advantages. It has come down to good old fashion sports fitness and has been a testimony to the philosophy of the Olympics. Technology in sports fitness is always in a state of evolution and this article focuses on the latest developments.

First up is the suit worn by the legendary Michael Phelps at the Beijing Olympics which has now been released on the general market in the US. Priced at around 300GBP you have to be really serious about swimming fast but the LZR Racer does what it says on the tin with 94 percent of gold medals at the games being won by competitors wearing the suit. Although most of those were actually won by Phelps himself the ultrasonically bonded bodysuit reduces skin friction and drag to a massive degree, however it is only suitable for serious competitive swimmers.

Another new sports fitness product to hit the market is ideal for an outdoor enthusiast. The Overboard Carbon Backpack takes the roll-top concept a step further and is perfect for hikers, canoeist or people who carry around stuff underwater. The material is the standard TPU which is 100 percent waterproof and a new combination of roll-top and zips renders the seals 100 percent waterproof also. The best part of the backpack is the design as the storage is excellent and the back padding channelled to distribute weight superbly. At 60GBP it is a worthy investment for outdoor sports fitness enthusiasts.

If you need a personal trainer who will not follow you around slapping doughnuts out of your hand and yelling to drop and give them 20 then the Nokia Sports Tracker might be for you. This technology comes in two parts, first is a free application that is compatible with Nokia mobiles and the second being a website which integrates the data. The software breaks your sports fitness into sections such as daily routine, routes, training diary and settings and enables you to map progress in a user friendly manner. It is a useful assistant however they have not introduced the feature that delivers an electric shock when you go near cakes... yet.

Sports fitness is growing in popularity in the UK and the recent successes at the Olympics will only fuel this fire. It is good to have all the recent technology when it comes to sports fitness equipment however there is a line and you have to ask yourself whether forking out cash is really necessary for the level at which you are competing.

By: Shaun Parker

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Sports Fitness - Fun Way to be Healthy

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When you talk about sports fitness, what comes first in your mind? It is, basically, the different sports activities, right? This is because sports fitness has always been referred to as the sports itself.

Generally, sports entail physical activities that are usually carried out for some “recreational” functions such as self-satisfaction, entertainment, competition, etc. It uses physical activity that is why most fitness experts regard sports as one way of staying fit and healthy. It can also be considered as one way of physical fitness; the only difference is that sports fitness is more inclined to the development of skill or ability.

However, like physical fitness, sports fitness is also capable of toning down the body fats of a person. Because of its rigid and strict health program, a sports enthusiast is able to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle in order to cope up with the strenuous demands of sports.

In sports, people should learn how to value their health. Otherwise, they can never endure the kind of energy that is required when playing sports activities.

Therefore, for people whoa re into sports fitness, here are some tips that you could use in order to stay healthy and be active on whatever sports you want to pursue:

1. Drinks lots of water

Humans can survive days, or even months without food, but they can never last a day without water.

Water is, indeed, the most important element needed by the body. Excessive perspiration, without any means of replenishing the lost fluids will result to serious health problems, and even death.

Therefore, for people who are into strenuous exercises and trainings, it is best to always drink lots of water.

However, for sports enthusiasts, water may not be enough to replace the kind of fluid lost. Hence, it would be better if they would have sports drinks instead. Aside from the fluid, sports drinks have tow additional important ingredients needed by a person who is into sports fitness: carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Electrolytes are usually lost during strenuous physical activity, and this can only be replaced through sports drinks. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are also needed by the body during rigid workouts to provide more energy so that the body can cope up to the demands of the activity.

2. More veggies!

People who are into sports fitness require more intakes of vegetables and fruits. This is because the body is craving for more vitamins and mineral supplements. It makes the body stronger and healthier enabling it to cope up with demands of the activity.

3. Calcium intake

People who are into sports fitness should have calcium present on their diet. This is to provide stronger bones to the body.

Since the body is more exposed to greater physical activities, it is important to have stronger bones in order to avoid fractures or certain bone diseases like “osteoporosis.”

Calcium can be found in different vitamin and mineral supplements. They are also abundant in foods like sardines, tofu, dairy products, etc.

4. Warm exercises are always important before any kind of strenuous activities.

This kind of activity is needed in order not to strain the body. Hence, before playing the sports that you have always love, it is best to do some warm-up exercises first.

By: Nicholas Tan

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Hello World!!!

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Welcome to Fitness Sports blog... :)

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